Wednesday 17 August 2011

Doing nothing.

There are days when nothing works the way you want to. Today is such a day. The DH is extremely disgruntled at his job. He hates it. He is overworked (came home at 10 pm yesterday) and totally stressed out. He is actively looking for a change in a new company but nothing seems to be working out. But I am sure it will, eventually.

And me? I have quite a bit of writing work to do but I am just not feeling like getting down and doing it. It's cloudy and the rain is pattering down lazily. I am sitting with my laptop on the bed with a cup of tea and Bisk Farm's 'Just Ginger' for company (the biscuit is quite good too!). Anyway, the very fact that I am writing a blog post is proof of the fact that I am not working. I know I should. I am sure I will write today. It's so difficult to work when it's so easy to just visit random blogs or log onto Facebook.

I really really wish I had a normal 9 to 5 job where someone would be breathing down my neck to get work done all the time! But circumstances are such that it's just not possible. Not at the moment. So I have to continue working from home for some time at least.

Let's hope it works.

To end on a fun note, here's something I found:

Reading 'East of Eden'

I am reading a book called 'East of Eden' by John Steinbeck. It has won the Nobel Prize as well as been recommended by Oprah for her Book Club apart from winning several other awards. Now, I for one, stay away from award-winning books. Probably because I started reading 'God of Small Things' (it won the Booker) when I was 15 and was very disappointed. Award-winning great books don't work for me. Give me a murder mystery any day! But this book is different.

I have just reached the halfway mark and I am reading it slow because I don't want it to finish! It's one of those books you want to savour slowly because you know its going to be fantastic. It's not really 'unputdownable'. More of a 'to be read slowly with love'-type. Whatever it is, I had to write this while I am in the process of reading it or may be I will forget the feelings I am going through!

Lovely read it promises to be!